Tony McManus, Ambassador for Beyond Blue and his place he calls his Man's .

Evey shed is different and unique. Each shed I visit has its own character and individualistic vibe. This is Tony's shed.

I am a firm believer in the way the universe works. It is a unique space where things just happen and happen for a reason. I had the pleasure in meeting Tony the day he spoke at my galley exhibition opening durring 's Health Week at Court House Arts in Geelong sponsored by Barwon Health.

Tony like many other men in our community has suffered depression. Tony's brother committed suicide due to depression and now Tony as an ambassador for Beyond Blue speaks to audiences about his journey of recovery and how there is always help out they no matter what the situation is.

Since Tony's speaking part in my gallery exhibition opening he has become a big part of mine and my wife Jo's lives. Tony has also been spruiking my Men's Shed Photography project and has since passed on 4 new for me to photograph and collect their stories as well.

This is Tony's slice of a Man's Shed (aka )

Tony Mcmanus ambassador for Beyond Blue and his Mens Shed